Constitution of Garfunkia


I. The Princes of the High Council, with the power entrusted to them by Garfunkel, ordains this document to be the official Constitution of the Garfunkia.

II. There shall be two types of High Council meetings, the first shall be scheduled meetings that shall take place on the first day of Paw Wah of every year, and the second shall be extraordinary meetings that may be called by a Prince in cases where extraordinary circumstances require an unscheduled meeting. The High Council has the following responsibilities during scheduled meetings: they must review the Laws of Garfunkel, they may canonize proposed laws, and must discuss the state of the faith. Laws shall only be canonized during the annual meetings to review the Laws. If a law shall need to be passed before the official canonization date, the Grand Prince may issue a royal decree which shall act as emergency law which shall expire a year after its implementation unless the decree specifically states that it shall expire sooner than the standard one year expiration date. The High Council may overrule and nullify a decree with a vote in support of at least four votes in favor and may vote to move the expiration date to a 140 day period as opposed to the standard year period with a vote of at least two in favor. Princes may vote to depose the Grand Prince at any time with a vote in favor of five at which point the Grand Prince shall be removed from his leadership position and the High Council shall elect a new Grand Prince. An election for a new Grand Prince must take place during a meeting. After all voting has subsided, the Prince with the most votes will become the new Grand Prince. The way the votes are tabulated shall be decided and agreed upon by all Princes before the election. A Prince may be absent during a scheduled or extraordinary meeting, under this circumstance, the absent Prince may delegate his votes in the upcoming meeting to another Prince who may vote on his behalf, or they may choose not to delegate their votes, in this case his votes will count as a vote in abstention. If a Prince shall be absent for more than two consecutive scheduled meetings, the High Council may vote for another member to be delegated his votes although the present party must make this decision unanimously. The Grand Prince must open the meeting with a prayer unless the meeting has been called for impeachment or election at which point the member who hath called the meeting must open the meeting and will act as the presiding member over the High Council meeting. In this case, the presiding member must begin the High Council meeting with a prayer. The High Council through a voting procedure may decide upon codes of conduct for the High Council not specifically mentioned in this document.

III. For a law to be canonized, a Prince must submit the proposed law to the High Council where it must go under intensive review before it is to be voted upon by the High Council in the High Council meeting. After an intensive review and voting process, all laws approved by the High Council will be canonized into the Laws of Garfunkel. All laws must be reviewed on the first day of the month of Paw Wah every year. Should the High Council not be able to meet on the designated day for review, the review date may be pushed back, however it may not be pushed back more than 140 days from the designated day for review. During review, a law may be amended or removed with a vote of at least five passing votes in the High Council. A proposed law that is not canonized may be approved for canonization with a vote of five in favor. Following all the aforementioned voting periods, the High Council may canonize the laws as they stand with a vote of 5 in favor. At the end of a High Council meeting, all laws proposed or reviewed must be either approved for canonization or rejected and the approved laws will become the canonized Laws of Garfunkel.

IV. There shall be two types of excommunication, temporary and permanent. Temporary excommunication may be given to an individual by the Grand Prince, and may be given to a group by the Grand Prince upon gaining three votes of approval in the High Council. Permanent excommunication may be given to an individual or group by the Grand Prince upon gaining five votes of approval in the High Council. Temporary excommunication must be given a duration of any length of time up to ten years, starting the moment the excommunication is ordered. After the time period for the excommunication expires, the excommunicated may once again join the church. With permanent excommunication, the excommunication has no date of expiration, however the excommunicated may petition the High Council to repeal the excommunication, and, shall a vote to repeal the excommunication gain five in favor, the excommunication shall be lifted, if the excommunication is not repealed, the excommunicated may not ask for an appeal for five years. The Grand Prince may give temporary excommunication to any individual, however if a Prince shall object to the excommunication, they may force a vote on the excommunication.

V. The Deputy Grand Prince of the High Council shall be appointed during the election of the Grand Prince and the title shall be given to the Prince with the second most votes. Should the Deputy Grand Prince lose their position at any time due to retirement or death, the Grand Prince shall appoint a new Deputy Grand Prince within ten days of the position being open. If the Grand Prince shall, for whatever reason, fail to appoint a new Deputy Grand Prince, the High Council shall vote for a new Deputy Grand Prince with the same voting procedure used to elect the Grand Prince. The Deputy Grand Prince shall be given an extra vote in the event that a vote shall pass or fail by one vote, allowing the Deputy Grand Prince to act as the decider in that scenario to overturn the vote. The exceptions to this privilege are that the vote may only ever be used in opposition to the Grand Prince, and that the extra vote may not be used to pass a proposed non-canonized law through. This extra vote may be used at the discretion of the Deputy Grand Prince and the Deputy Grand Prince may opt to forgo using it. In the event of the death or retirement of the Grand Prince, the Deputy Grand Prince will take on the duties of the Grand Prince until a new Grand Prince is elected in the next scheduled High Council meeting. Should a vote of five in favor declare the Grand Prince to be physically or mentally incapacitated, the Deputy Grand Prince shall take on the responsibilities of the Grand Prince.

VI. The High Council shall be the judicial force of Garfunkel’s will. Any religious or stately dispute may be presented to the High Council at which point the Grand Prince shall decide whether the High Council shall hear the case. The Grand Prince shall be the judge in the cases presented to the court. The only exception being the case where a dispute shall be brought before the High Council in which the Grand Prince is the defendant or accusant, in that case the Deputy Grand Prince shall decide whether the High Council shall take the case and will act as the judge in the case. The accused and accuser shall make their case in front of the High Council and the High Council shall afterwards convene to vote on a guilty or not-guilty verdict. If a guilty verdict is agreed upon by the High Council, the judge shall decide a reasonable outcome for the guilty party, the judge must share this punishment with the High Council who shall have the opportunity to overrule the punishment, if it is deemed unreasonable, with four votes in favor, if the punishment shall be overruled, the High Council must agree unanimously on a punishment. In the case where the High Council shall not agree on a verdict or punishment for a period of time longer than twenty days, a simple majority vote shall suffice to deliver a verdict or punishment.

VII. The title of Prince shall be a hereditary title. Shall a Prince retire or die, his successor shall be appointed Prince in the following High Council meeting. Shall there be no hereditary heir, the High Council shall vote for a successor to take their place, with the successor receiving the most votes being ordained a Prince in the following scheduled High Council meeting.

VIII. The Grand Prince may appoint a cabinet to advise him and rule on his behalf. The Grand Prince may not, himself, hold a position on the cabinet. Likewise, the Deputy Grand Prince is also forbidden to himself hold a position in the Grand Prince’s cabinet.

IX. This constitution may be amended or changed shall the proposed change get the unanimous support of the High Council. Shall the High Council unanimously vote to approve an amendment or change to this Constitution, the amendments or changes shall go into effect following the conclusion of the High Council meeting.

X. Should the High Council of Garfunkia miss the deadline for meeting to review the Laws of Garfunkel twice consecutively, the High Council shall enter into a Dormant Period. Once the Dormant Period has been reached, all of the Princes of the High Council shall be stripped of any of their official duties and their seats on the High Council shall become vacant and will remain vacant until the Dormant Period is over. The Laws of Garfunkel, and any other canonized document may not be changed in any way during a dormant period. Any individual in the military of Garfunkia and any individual with a position in the Garfunkian government shall be retired from office and their title stripped effective immediately following the beginning of the Dormant Period. During the Dormant Period, any Garfunkian individual may become a priest within their community without the need for the consent from the High Council. A Dormant Period may be avoided should two-thirds of the highest ranking Garfunkian bishops vote to appoint replacements for the High Council within 140 days of the High Council entering a Dormant Period, at which point the Dormant Period will end. If at least three individuals who have previously held the title of Prince meet and agree to reinstate the High Council, the Dormant Period shall end and they shall become the Princes of the High Council of Garfunkia.