First Constitution of Garfunkia


Scan of Original Document

We shall obtain prosperity through the Laws of Garfunkel. We shall form a council with the following members: Jason DeMoss, Aidan Orth, Ian Dains, Emmalee Lockwood, Kevin Kyle, and Oscar Cabrerra. These members will work directly under Garfunkel. Honorary titles shall be gifted by the council. The council may vote on laws, the laws must gain a majority vote in council. Council members must protect our freedom at any cost.

Second Constitution of Garfunkia


I. We the Garfunkian people proclaim this constitution to promote liberty and justice for our people. Garfunkel will lead us to greatness and prosperity. The people are blessed by the lord, Garfunkel. This constitution will proclaim the Holy Republic of Garfunkia.

II. To keep these values safe, we must elect a president to lead the people. The presidential elections should happen every three months on a Friday. After the elections the person with the most votes will be proclaimed president of Garfunkia the next Monday. The president of Garfunkia should have the ability to sign laws into power, create laws to be passed by the council, and appoint their cabinet. The president can veto bills passed by the council, if they veto the bill it will go back to the council for them to vote on. They must get a five-sevenths majority to bypass a presidential veto.

III. A council shall be created to give the people representation. This council shall be composed of 7 people, these people will be elected every three months in between presidential election years. The council will be able to propose laws, veto presidential acts, and will be able to remove the title of presidency if the president abuses their powers to remove the liberties of the people. To pass a law or to veto a presidential act, the council must have a majority of the council be for the proposal.If the council would like to remove the title of president of an individual they must get a five-sevenths majority. You may not occupy two or more government jobs. If there is less than 7 people in the council, the government will hold a special election to fill up the empty seat(s).

IV. Anyone convicted of a crime has the right to a fair, and just trial. The trial shall have a jury of two or more people and cannot be biased to or against the defendant. The supreme court will be made up of all high council members, the entire court shall be lead by the secretary of the court, who must prosecute to the extent of the law described in the 1000 laws of Garfunkel.

V. The secretary of treasury or “treasurer” will be appointed by the president and have the ability to propose economic laws to the supreme court, these laws mustn’t be for the exclusive benefit of the treasurer or the high council. The treasurer must protect the economic prosperity of the republic.

The treasurer must insure a free and open economy, but shall be allowed to put certain restrictions where absolutely needed. The treasurer will be able to propose budget plans to fund or defund certain parts of the government spending.

The treasurer will also be allowed to propose tariffs on certain products according to international law.

VI. The people have the right to government protection from internal and external threats, to protect the people from external threats there will be an army meant to protect the people.

This army will not protect the government, or the president, the army protects the freedom of the people of Garfunkia. The secretary of defense will lead the armies to protect the people. The secretary of defense shall have the ability to produce and conscript to protect the Garfunkian people.

VII. The church will be protected and funded by the government. The Archbishop is a holy title, the first Archbishop was appointed by Garfunkel himself. The Archbishop is passed down by inheritance. The Archbishop can also be dueled for their position and must fight a 1v1 battle of Pokemon showdown. If the opposer wins the duel they will become the Archbishop.

The Archbishop may bless every new president by doing the national dance and saying the following “I hereby appoint you the president of the Garfunkian people!” This is merely ceremonial.

VIII. The secretary of state will be appointed by the president upon election, they will have the ability to manage diplomatic relations with foreign entities in the form of proposing treaties, alliances, but cannot declare war unless voted in a three-fifths vote majority in the high council.

The secretary of state must protect the freedom and independence of the holy republic of Garfunkia, they must also work in the interest of the people.

IX. The council may propose changes to the constitution, but they must gain a three-fifths majority vote.

X. The government of Garfunkia will strictly obey Garfunkel and his people.

XI. The court shall be made up of the high council members, the secretary of the court, two citizens that will act as the prosecutor, and the defendant.

A trial is a formal examination of evidence before the high council, the secretary of the court in order to decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

The prosecutor will be the person that accuses the defendant of breaking a law. A citizen of Garfunkia can propose a trial to the high council members if someone breaks the 1000 laws of Garfunkel, or a law in the constitution. The council will decide if the law is important enough to lead to a trial.

The defendant will be given to opportunity to plead guilty before the trial to have the possibility of a shorter sentence. If they don't plead guilty the trial will begin, they will be allowed to use an external person, or persons to help them in the court called attorneys in the court case. The defendant and their attorneys will testify to the high council, the secretary of the court and the supreme court to prove themselves innocent. The prosecutor may also acquire an external person or person. The prosecutor will testify to the high council before the defendant, the secretary of the court and the jury to prove (with evidence) that the defendant is guilty.

The prosecutor and defendant may repeat the process until all evidence is put forward and all arguments are finished.

The supreme court must come to a majority decision on whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty, once they do that they will elect one of them to tell the secretary of the court. The judge will read the verdict to the prosecutor and defendant, if the verdict is guilty the high council will decide the punishment of the convicted individual(s).

The trial will be recorded and be posted for everyone to access.

If the verdict is not guilty, the high council will decide a fair and just punishment for the prosecutor if they had malicious intent.

XI. The secretary of state will be allowed to hire citizens to the state department to make managing diplomatic relations with other nations easier. The state department has the ability to build embassies and appoint ambassadors to foreign nations.

The state department will be able to make and join alliances and treaties (Although they will have to ask permission from the high court), they will be able to write a formal declaration of war from the high councils orders, and arrange peace treaties to the best of their abilities.

The state department must work in the interests of the people and preserving liberty around the globe, not in the interests of the president or foreign powers. If the state department gets news of any major world events, they must arrange a meeting between the secretary of state, the high council, the president, and the military council called a situation meeting. During a situation meeting the secretary of state will brief the other members of the group on the situation. If military action is agreed upon the military council will give news to the armies on the situation, the council will also plan the military action out and act on the plan under the presidents order.

The high council may give orders to the state department to arrange alliances with nations deemed in the interest of the holy republic of Garfunkia. The high council will also be able to vote on whether or not to declare war against a foreign nation.

The state department will secure Garfunkian independence and diplomatic prosperity.

XII. The military of the Garfunkian people will be lead by a council containing the best generals, field marshals, and the secretary of defense, this group will be called the military council members of this group will be appointed by the president of Garfunkia. The military will be organized in a hierarchical way by having the military council lead over smaller military councils that lead over a smaller group of the military, the smaller military councils will be appointed by the secretary of defense. The amount of military councils will be decided by the top military council depending on how many are needed.

The military will garrison and protect the Garfunkian people under the order of the secretary of defense. The secretary of defense will be able to decide how many troops to train, and their equipment. Field marshals shall be appointed by the secretary of defense.

The government shall make sure the army is well supplied, and well fed. The field marshal shall lead a area of land where military events occur called a theater of war. The field marshals shall lead over armies lead by a general appointed by the field marshal, the generals will lead colonel leading smaller pieces of the army.

The president shall be able to award medals of honor to soldiers that do something honorable for the country, the secretary of defense and the president can promote certain individuals in the military based on their skill. The military shall abide by international law, anyone suspected to have commited a war crime will have a fair and just trial in the court of law.

XIII. The department of the treasury will promote a safe, and prosperous economy. They will be able to propose laws to the high council regarding taxes, tariffs, the industry, or the economy in general. These laws mustn’t be proposed for person exclusive benefit of the government. The secretary of the treasury will be allowed to hire citizens to the department of the treasury.

The department of the treasury will be allowed to change minimum wage, minimum age to work, and will be allowed to make the government more safe, but not necessarily worse, or less prosperous.

The treasury will be able to put companies accused of being a monopoly on trial based on if the company and its subsidiaries control a majority of their market. If they are found guilty in a court of law they must liquidise the company and its subsidiaries, or just liquidise its subsidiaries depending on how severe of a monopoly it is and whether the subsidiaries are the main source of the monopoly.

The secretary of treasury will be incharge of making, passing, and maintaining a budget proposal. The budget proposal must only fund government programs, and cannot fund public and private companies, unless voted upon by the high council.

The secretary of the treasury must not interfere with the economy too much, and must insure economic growth for the people of Garfunkia.

XIV. The council shall meet on Discord every tuesday, at 7:30PM. This meeting shall discuss new laws, issues, and proposals.

XV. The human services department is a branch of government led by the secretary of human services. Their job is to lower unemployment and homelessness.

Third Constitution of Garfunkia


Preamble. We the sons and daughters of Garfunkel in order to protect the liberties, and freedom of our peoples establish this constitution for the Kingdom of Garfunkia.

I. On the first day of the following months: January, May, and September, the citizens of Garfunkia will elect a President to office. The President will have the ability to do the following: propose bills for the Council, create executive orders and veto bills passed by the Council.

On the Friday following the election of a citizen to the office of the presidency, they will officially become the President of Garfunkia. The President will appoint a Vice President. If the President is impeached or resigns for any reason, the Vice President will become the President of Garfunkia on the next Friday. If there is no Vice President for whatever reason, the Council will hold a special election. A special election is an election in which the people vote for a candidate and the candidate with the most votes becomes the President as soon as the election is over.

The President is allowed to hire advisors and specialists to help them during their term in office. After the President leaves office their staff must leave with them. If the election shall end in a tie between two candidates the council shall vote out of one of the candidates in the top 3 to vote in to the presidency.

II. A group of five people will be elected on the first of the following months: March, July, and November, to the Council of Garfunkia.

The Council will have the ability to do the following: propose money bills, manage the government budget, set wages for government officials and appoint citizens to any rank of any inferior position. This Council will vote for a “Speaker of the Council” who will have permission to propose bills to the council to vote on. The group and the President will meet every Monday at 7:00 PM. Councilmembers can change the time and date, and schedule emergency meetings.. Wherever the Council decides to meet, however the Council can only move the meeting spot once a month.

During the meeting the Council members will vote on bills to be passed. The President will present the bills to the Council to vote on. Every Council member in attendance will vote on the bill. They have the following options: yay, nay, or abstention. Over half of the Council must vote yay to pass the bill on to the President for approval. If the President passes the bill it will become a law on the next Friday. The President will have the ability to veto a bill passed by the Council, if the President vetoes a bill it will go back to the Council to be voted on again, if a super majority of Council members agree to pass the bill during a court session, it will pass and become a law with or without Presidential approval on the next Friday. The Council members will have until the end of the Council session or their vote will count as an abstention.

III. The Council will also act as the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has the ability to do the following: proclaim a law or executive order unconstitutional which will declare it null, settle lawsuits, civil disagreements between two parties, and to put citizens or groups on trial to the fullest extent of the law.

The President can only be impeached if they conduct a serious crime.

If there is a trial, the Supreme Court will meet and the President will be the judge, unless during an impeachment trial, in that case one of the Council members will be. Both sides (the prosecutor and defendant) will be given a reasonable amount of time to state their points and arguments. After all the points have been made by both sides, the Supreme Court will decide if the defendant is guilty. They will tell the Judge their position and the judge will declare the Supreme Courts’ decision. If the defendant is found guilty the judge will punish them to a reasonable and not unusual sentence.

If the Supreme Court is putting a law or executive order on trial the Supreme Court will decide between them whether or it is constitutional. If it is labeled unconstitutional it will not hold and power and will be effectively null.

The Supreme Court is allowed to interpret the constitution.

IV. For an individual to run for a government position they must meet the following conditions: be a legal citizen of Garfunkia, and they must not hold any other office of government, except for the Vice President who is allowed to also hold the position of Council member.

Presidential elections will begin on the first of the designated months, and will end on the third of the specified month. The citizens of Garfunkia will vote for a candidate that has decided they will run for the Presidency. The candidate with the most votes by sunset of the third day of the month will be designated President-Elect of Garfunkia until the next Friday in which they will be inaugurated. The President-Elect will be required to say the following “I, (Full Name) promise to uphold the liberties, and freedoms of the Garfunkian peoples to the best of my ability as the President, so help me Garfunkel.” Directly after they say that they will officially become the President of Garfunkia.

Council elections will begin on the first of their designated months, and will end on the third of the specified month. The citizens of Garfunkia will be allowed to choose five candidates that have decided they will run for office. By sunset of the third day, the candidates with the five most votes will become Council Member-Elects of Garfunkia until the next Friday in which they will be inaugurated. They will be required to say the following “I, (Full Name) promise to uphold the liberties and freedoms of the Garfunkian peoples to the best of my ability as a Council Member, so help me Garfunkel.” Directly after they say that they will officially become a Councilmember of the Garfunkian Council.

Special elections occur when a Council member resigns or is impeached or when a President resigns or is impeached and has no Vice President. Special elections occur on the next Friday after a spot is open in the Council or a President resigns or is impeached with no Vice President. They election will only last one day and whichever candidate has the most votes will immediately obtain their title and powers.

V. The citizens of Garfunkia have the inalienable right to: vote in public elections, a fair, just and speedy trial; and to be able to run for any public office.

Any law or executive order that restricts these rights is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court will have the responsibility to declare it as such.

VI. The Council will have the ability to appoint the general of the Garfunkian Armed Forced (GAF).

The general of the GAF will have the ability to manage the structure of the military and appoint their inferior officers. The Council will have the ability to give the military a budget. The military can use their budget for the following: conscripting, training, deploying and supplying troops. The military will also be able to use their budget to research and test military technology, produce military equipment, and survey enemy or hostile areas. Any citizen that does not have serious health issues that would make them ineffective on the battlefield or is holding a government position will not be able to be conscripted.

VII. The President of Garfunkia is allowed to appoint diplomats and ambassadors to make deals, and alliances with foreign nations or peoples. The council will have the exclusive power to go to war, and must have a four-fifths majority to do so. If a foreign nation declares war on Garfunkia or attacks the country in any way, the President is allowed to use military action without council approval

VIII. The government may propose bills to regulate citizenship. If one is currently a citizen of Garfunkia at the time of the passing of this constitution one will automatically be made a citizen.

IX. Although technically a kingdom, royalty does not grant any powers not already guaranteed by citizenship. To be considered part of the royal family one must be one of the following: blood related to Garfunkel, married to one in the royal family or adopted by one in the royal family.

There are seven houses of the Garfunkian family tree: Dains, Dawson, DeMoss, Dotson, Ingram, Orth and the house of Yroz. The leader of this house each own their own duchies, the oldest living male child of a duke are the successors to the duke.

X. The church of Garfunkel is the only official state religion.

Religious figures are not immune from the force of the law, or it’s consequences.

Any profits made by, or given to the church are not eligible for any type of tax, excluding tax on products from foreign nations.

The pope shall be given the responsibility to inaugurate the president, vice president, and the dukes of the seven duchies. The president and vice president can be inaugurated without the permission of the pope or the church.

(Proposed) XI. A loophole defined as (an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.) shall not be used intentionally, if one uses a loophole intentionally they shall be put on trial in front of the Supreme Court of Garfunkia.